Anyone who has struggled with back pain knows how real this pain can be. The causes are many, but the results are the same, your ability to function normally becomes affected, your overall appreciation for life becomes lowered, and you and your loved ones suffer as a result because you simply aren’t you.
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In major cities there's a yoga studio in every neighborhood, if not on every block. The styles of yoga vary so greatly that it would be difficult to compare a Yin class with a Bikram class and call them the same thing. But however you define yoga, whether for strictly physical training or mental and spiritual awareness, or both, the wide-ranging benefits are obvious for the modern individual. Countless people around the world have undertaken the practice, but there's a major demographic that has remained on the outside looking in: men.
Self-care is on the rise and at times it can be overwhelming to know what to do or what is right for our body. But what is self-care? It has gained a reputation of being an indulgence and something to do in our spare time. In reality, self-care is any act that is necessary for us to regulate our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
One thing I know for certain about myself is that I have the best of intentions. But my best of intentions simply isn’t enough to get things done, and I am willing to bet that I am not alone in this.
Dancing is freeing; there is no wrong way to do it. Are there specific styles and variations? Sure. But ultimately, it’s about feeling the rhythm of the beat and just letting yourself go. It can also be about connecting with another person, but we’ll get back to that thought in a bit.
We all walk a different path in life; some of us even walk a variety of different paths at the same time. Think about it, we walk the path of youth into young adulthood, on the bud of providing for ourselves with new responsibilities.
In my last post, I wrote about following your dreams and not settling. You might be thinking, that sounds like a nice idea, but it’s easier said than done. And you’re right, it’s not easy to fulfill our goals. Sometimes, bad habits get in the way, sometimes we need more structure, sometimes we need help.
"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,
for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." - Mary Pickford
While Christmas time is often a time of cheer for many, it can be overwhelming and chaotic to others. This is truly one of my favorite times of the year; my tree is up, my house is decorated, and I even managed to squeak in a day with my family to bake some cookies.
I want to confess something, something that has been weighing heavily on my mind and heart. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that lately, I have been feeling down; with all that is being revealed in the news, threats between leaders, mass shootings, sexual assault – I sometimes find it hard to remain positive and not let all the sadness get to me.
ABOUT THE BLOGUrban Fit Yoga posts relevant, inspiring, and nourishing tools to support you along your healing journey. We believe that the benefits of yoga can extend far off your mat and we want to help! |